Movies like Across the Tracks to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Across the Tracks with Brad Pitt, Carrie Snodgress, David Anthony Marshall & Ricky Schroder & created by Julie Taymor & Sandy Tung?

Movies like Across the Tracks with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Across the Tracks?

When Billy returns from reform school he has to attend a different high school at the other side of town. He tries to start with a clean slate but his old rival doesn't make it easy on him ...
Its release date is Thursday February 14, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti War Vietnam War, Brother & School
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Julie Taymor & Sandy Tung
Starring Brad Pitt, Carrie Snodgress, David Anthony Marshall & Ricky Schroder
Place Australia, Deserts, Liverpool, New Jersey, New York City & Oceania
Time 1960s
Location Flinders Ranges, Los Angeles, New Jersey & New York City
Written by Sandy Tung
Cinematography Bruno Delbonnel, Mandy Walker & Michael Delahoussaye
Music Elliot Goldenthal, Garth Stevenson & Joel Goldsmith
Runtime 100 min

Other Drama movies by Julie Taymor

The Glorias | Jan 26th, 2020

The Glorias
N/A/10 | By Julie Taymor
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Across the Universe | Sep 14th, 2007

Across the Universe
7.4/10 | By Julie Taymor
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Titus | Dec 25th, 1999

7.2/10 | By Julie Taymor
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