Movies like Aegan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Romance movie Aegan with Ajith Kumar, Navdeep, Nayanthara & Piaa Bajpai & created by Raju Sundaram?

Movies like Aegan with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Aegan?

Ajith plays a special task force commander, the kind of squad only used for special tactic operations. A situation arises where he has to get back to his family members. Enthralled with ...
Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action & Romance
Country India
Director Raju Sundaram
Starring Ajith Kumar, Navdeep, Nayanthara & Piaa Bajpai
Place Hong Kong
Location Hong Kong, Ooty & Switzerland
Written by N/A
Cinematography Arjun Jena
Music Yuvan Shankar Raja
Runtime 170 min

Other Action movies written by N/A

A Special Lady | Nov 9th, 2017

A Special Lady
5.5/10 | By An-kyu Lee
South Korea | Action & Crime
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video