Movies like Affliction to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Affliction with James Coburn, Nick Nolte, Sissy Spacek & Willem Dafoe & created by Paul Schrader?

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A deeply troubled small town cop investigates a suspicious hunting death while events occur that cause him to mentally disintergrate.

TAGLINE: "Like father like son...?"

Its release date is Thursday August 28, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abusive Father, Alcoholism, based on novel, Child abuse, Halloween, New Hampshire, Patricide Fiction, Police Officers, Small town & Suicide
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Paul Schrader
Starring James Coburn, Nick Nolte, Sissy Spacek & Willem Dafoe
Location Quebec
Written by Paul Schrader (screenplay) & Russell Banks (novel)
Cinematography Paul Sarossy
Music Michael Brook
Runtime 114 min

Other Drama movies by Paul Schrader

Cat People | Dec 5th, 1942

Cat People
7.4/10 | By Jacques Tourneur & Paul Schrader
The United States | Drama, Horror & Thriller
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Dog Eat Dog | Nov 4th, 2016

Dog Eat Dog
4.6/10 | By Paul Schrader
United States of America | Crime, Drama & Thriller
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American Gigolo | Feb 8th, 1980

American Gigolo
6.3/10 | By Paul Schrader
United States of America | Crime, Drama & Romance
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Other Drama movies written by Paul Schrader (screenplay)

Raging Bull | Nov 14th, 1980

Raging Bull
8.2/10 | By Martin Scorsese
The United States | Drama
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