Movies like After Dark, My Sweet to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie After Dark, My Sweet with Bruce Dern, Jason Patric, Rachel Ward & Rocky Giordani & created by James Foley?

Movies like After Dark, My Sweet with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of After Dark, My Sweet?

An ex-boxer is drifting around after escaping from the mental hospital. He meets a widow who convinces him to help fix up the neglected estate her ex-husband left. Her Uncle talks them both...

TAGLINE: "All they risked was everything."

Its release date is Friday August 24, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abduction, Boxer & Suspense
Genre Crime, Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director James Foley
Starring Bruce Dern, Jason Patric, Rachel Ward & Rocky Giordani
Place California & Palm Springs
Written by James Foley (screenplay), Jim Thompson (novel) & Robert Redlin (screenplay)
Cinematography Mark Plummer
Music Maurice Jarre
Runtime 114 min

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The Chamber | Oct 11th, 1996

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The Corruptor | Mar 12th, 1999

The Corruptor
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The United States | Action, Crime & Mystery
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