Movies like Airplane! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Airplane! with Julie Hagerty, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Lloyd Bridges & Robert Hays & created by David Zucker, Jerry Zucker & Jim Abrahams?

Movies like Airplane! with the highest similarity score

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A man afraid to fly must ensure that a plane lands safely after the pilots become sick.

TAGLINE: "What's slower than a speeding bullet, and able to hit tall buildings at a single bound?"

Its release date is Wednesday July 2, 1980

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alcohol, Aviation Accidents Or Incidents, Cataclysm, Chicago, Guitar, Medicine, Passenger, Saxophone & Taxi Driver
Genre Comedy
Country United States of America
Director David Zucker, Jerry Zucker & Jim Abrahams
Starring Julie Hagerty, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Lloyd Bridges & Robert Hays
Place Airports, Chicago & Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles
Written by David Zucker (written for the screen by), Jerry Zucker (written for the screen by) & Jim Abrahams (written for the screen by)
Cinematography Joseph Biroc
Music Elmer Bernstein
Runtime 88 min

Other Comedy movies by David Zucker

Ruthless People | Jun 26th, 1986

Ruthless People
6.9/10 | By David Zucker, Jerry Zucker & Jim Abrahams
The United States | Comedy
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BASEketball | Jul 28th, 1998

6.6/10 | By David Zucker
The United States | Comedy
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Scary Movie 3 | Oct 24th, 2003

Scary Movie 3
5.5/10 | By David Zucker
The United States | Comedy
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