Movies like Alguien en la Casa to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Alguien en la Casa with Élida Schinocca, Jonás Elfen & Victoria Baldomir & created by Ezequiel Vega?

Movies like Alguien en la Casa with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Alguien en la Casa?

Marco decides to leave his house to start a new life with Sofia. When he tries to explain this to his mother, she manipulates Marco to keep him by her side. Suffocated, Marco starts to feel stalked by a stranger.
Its release date is Sunday October 9, 2016

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Director Ezequiel Vega
Starring Élida Schinocca, Jonás Elfen & Victoria Baldomir
Written by Fabiana Vogel
Runtime 15 min