Movies like Amadeus to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & Music movie Amadeus with Elizabeth Berridge, F. Murray Abraham, Roy Dotrice & Tom Hulce & created by Milos Forman?

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The incredible story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told by his peer and secret rival Antonio Salieri - now confined to an insane asylum.

TAGLINE: "...Everything you've heard is true"

Its release date is Friday October 26, 1984

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Topic Austria, Classical Music Musicians, Composer, Composers, Emperor, Italy, Marriage Crisis, Musician, Opera, Talent & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fiction
Genre Drama, History & Music
Country The United States
Director Milos Forman
Starring Elizabeth Berridge, F. Murray Abraham, Roy Dotrice & Tom Hulce
Place Vienna
Time 1780s & 1790s
Location Prague & Vienna
Written by Peter Shaffer (original screenplay) & Peter Shaffer (original stage play)
Cinematography Miroslav Ondrícek
Runtime 160 min

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Hair | Mar 14th, 1979

7.6/10 | By Milos Forman
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