Movies like American Splendor to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie American Splendor with Hope Davis, James Urbaniak, Judah Friedlander & Paul Giamatti & created by Robert Pulcini, Shari Springer Berman & Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of American Splendor?

An original mix of fiction and reality illuminates the life of comic book hero everyman Harvey Pekar.

TAGLINE: "Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff"

Its release date is Friday August 15, 2003

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Topic Biographical Writers, Biography, Cancer, File Clerk, Garage Sale, Greeting Card, Independent Film, Jellybean, Junk Sale & V.a. Hospital
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Robert Pulcini, Shari Springer Berman & Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini
Starring Hope Davis, James Urbaniak, Judah Friedlander & Paul Giamatti
Place Cleveland
Location Cleveland
Written by Harvey Pekar (comic book series American Splendor), Joyce Brabner (comic book series Our Cancer Year), Robert Pulcini & Shari Springer Berman
Cinematography Terry Stacey
Music Mark Suozzo
Runtime 101 min

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The Nanny Diaries | Aug 24th, 2007

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