Movies like An American in Rome to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie An American in Rome with Alberto Sordi, Anita Durante, Ilse Peterson & Maria Pia Casilio & created by Steno?

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Nando Moriconi is a young Italian living in Rome. He is fond for everything coming from the United States. He tries to speak American-English, to wear clothes he thinks Americans wear, to ...
Its release date is Sunday June 6, 1954

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Genre Comedy
Country Italy
Director Steno
Starring Alberto Sordi, Anita Durante, Ilse Peterson & Maria Pia Casilio
Place Italy & Rome
Location Italy & Rome
Written by Alberto Sordi (screenplay), Alberto Sordi (story), Ettore Scola (screenplay), Ettore Scola (story), Lucio Fulci (screenplay), Lucio Fulci (story), Sandro Continenza (screenplay), Sandro Continenza (story), Steno (screenplay) & Steno (story)
Runtime 94 min

Other Comedy movies by Steno

Banana Joe | Mar 24th, 1982

Banana Joe
6.4/10 | By Steno
Germany | Action & Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube

Febbre da Cavallo | Jan 1st, 1976

Febbre da Cavallo
7.4/10 | By Steno
Italy | Comedy
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Letto a Tre Piazze | Jan 1st, 1961

Letto a Tre Piazze
7.0/10 | By Stefano Vanzina & Steno
Italy | Comedy
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Other Comedy movies written by Alberto Sordi (screenplay)

Christmas Vacation ’91 | Dec 20th, 1991

Christmas Vacation ’91
4.0/10 | By Enrico Oldoini & Jeremiah S. Chechik
Italy | Comedy
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