Movies like Anarchist from Colony to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Anarchist from Colony with Kim In-woo, Kwon Yul, Lee Je-hoon & Moon Choi & created by Joon-ik Lee?

Movies like Anarchist from Colony with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Anarchist from Colony?

Life of a upcoming Korean patriot Park Yeol, who formed the anarchist organization "Black Wave" during the Japanese colonial period and attempted the assassination of the Japanese Crown Prince Hirohito.

TAGLINE: "The most interesting anarchists ever during Japanese colonial era now fight against the world."

Its release date is Wednesday June 28, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Director Joon-ik Lee
Starring Kim In-woo, Kwon Yul, Lee Je-hoon & Moon Choi
Written by Seong-gu Hwang
Cinematography Park Sung joo
Music Kang Eun koo
Runtime 129 min

Other Drama movies by Joon-ik Lee

Sunny | Jul 23rd, 2008

6.6/10 | By Joon-ik Lee
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The Throne | Sep 16th, 2015

The Throne
7.0/10 | By Joon-ik Lee
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King and the Clown | Dec 29th, 2005

King and the Clown
7.5/10 | By Joon-ik Lee
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No streaming sources available just yet

Other Drama movies written by Seong-gu Hwang

Sad Movie | Oct 20th, 2005

Sad Movie
7.4/10 | By Jong-kwan Kwon & Kwon Jong kwan
South Korea | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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