Movies like Andiamo a quel paese to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Andiamo a quel paese with Fatima Trotta, Salvatore Ficarra, Tiziana Lodato & Valentino Picone & created by Ficarra, Ficarra e Picone & Picone?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Andiamo a quel paese?

Valentino and Salvo, unemployed and in search of fortune and recommendation, leave Palermo for Valentino's home town, Monteforte, where they will try to survive the Italian crisis by opening some sort of hospice.
Its release date is Thursday November 6, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Financial Crises & Old Age
Genre Comedy
Country Italy
Director Ficarra, Ficarra e Picone & Picone
Starring Fatima Trotta, Salvatore Ficarra, Tiziana Lodato & Valentino Picone
Place Sicily
Written by Ficarra & Picone
Cinematography Roberto Forza
Music Carlo Crivelli
Runtime N/A

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Il 7 e l’8
6.4/10 | By Ficarra, Giambattista Avellino, Giambattista Avellino and Ficarra e Picone & Picone
Italy | Comedy
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La matassa | Mar 13th, 2009

La matassa
6.4/10 | By Ficarra, Giambattista Avellino & Picone
Italy | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet