Movies like Angels of the Sun to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Angels of the Sun with Antonio Calloni, Darlene Glória, Otávio Augusto & Vera Holtz & created by Rudi Lagemann?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Angels of the Sun?

In 2002, 12-year-old Maria, living in dire poverty with her family, is sold by her fisherman father to prostitute recruiter Seu Tadeu, who takes her to a low-class brothel in the Amazon ...
Its release date is Saturday March 4, 2006

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Topic Angels, Brothel, Fisherman & Prostitution
Genre Drama
Country Brazil
Director Rudi Lagemann
Starring Antonio Calloni, Darlene Glória, Otávio Augusto & Vera Holtz
Place Los Angeles
Location California, Los Angeles & San Francisco
Written by Rudi Lagemann
Runtime 92 min