Movies like Another Earth to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Science Fiction movie Another Earth with Brit Marling, DJ Flava, Matthew-Lee Erlbach & William Mapother & created by Mike Cahill?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Another Earth?
On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident.
Its release date is Friday July 22, 2011
Its release date is Friday July 22, 2011
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cosmology, Duplicate, Earth, Ego, Janitor, Planet, Solar System & Tragedy |
Genre | Drama & Science Fiction |
Country | The United States |
Director | Mike Cahill |
Starring | Brit Marling, DJ Flava, Matthew-Lee Erlbach & William Mapother |
Place | Connecticut |
Time | 2006 & 2010 |
Location | Connecticut |
Written by | Brit Marling & Mike Cahill |
Cinematography | Mike Cahill |
Music | Fall On Your Sword & Marco Beltrami |
Runtime | 92 min |