Movies like Appleseed to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Appleseed with Ai Kobayashi, Asumi Miwa, Jūrōta Kosugi & Yuki Matsuoka & created by Shinji Aramaki & Steven Foster?

Movies like Appleseed with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Appleseed?

In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind?

TAGLINE: "Humanity's last chance for survival."

Its release date is Saturday April 17, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Biorobotics Fiction, Cyberpunk, Cyborg, Future, Man Vs Machine, Mecha, Metropolis, Performance Capture, Post-apocalyptic, Sterilization Fiction & Terrorist
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country Japan
Director Shinji Aramaki & Steven Foster
Starring Ai Kobayashi, Asumi Miwa, Jūrōta Kosugi & Yuki Matsuoka
Place Future
Written by Haruka Handa (screenplay), Shirow Masamune (comic) & Tsutomu Kamishiro (screenplay)
Music T. Raumschmiere
Runtime 101 min

Other Action movies by Shinji Aramaki

Starship Troopers: Invasion
5.9/10 | By Shinji Aramaki
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Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars
5.5/10 | By * Masaru Matsumoto, Masaru Matsumoto(co-director) & Shinji Aramaki
The United States | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
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