Movies like Asal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie Asal with Ajith Kumar, Bhavana, Prabhu Ganesan & Sameera Reddy & created by Saran?

Movies like Asal with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Asal?

A legit-weapons dealer has 3 sons. Shiva is one of them who is subdued by his brothers. He rescues his kidnapped brother only to find himself shot by them. Then he uncovers the mystery of his father's death and takes revenge.

TAGLINE: "The Power of Silence"

Its release date is Friday February 5, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action & Drama
Director Saran
Starring Ajith Kumar, Bhavana, Prabhu Ganesan & Sameera Reddy
Place Mumbai & Paris
Location Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & Paris
Written by N/A
Cinematography Prashanth D. Misale
Music Bharathwaj
Runtime 135 min

Other Action movies written by N/A

Moby Dick | Jun 9th, 2011

Moby Dick
6.5/10 | By In-je Park
South Korea | Action, Horror & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Ulkuthu | Dec 29th, 2017

6.1/10 | By Caarthick Raju
India | Action, Comedy & Romance
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