Movies like Ashes in the Snow to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Ashes in the Snow with Bel Powley, Martin Wallström, Sophie Cookson & Tom Sweet & created by Marius A. Markevicius?

Movies like Ashes in the Snow with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ashes in the Snow?

In 1941, a 16 year-old aspiring artist and her family are deported to Siberia amidst Stalin's brutal dismantling of the Baltic region. One girl's passion for art and her never-ending hope will break the silence of history.

TAGLINE: "One girl's voice breaks the silence of history"

Its release date is Friday October 12, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama & Romance
Country Lithuania
Director Marius A. Markevicius
Starring Bel Powley, Martin Wallström, Sophie Cookson & Tom Sweet
Written by Ben York Jones, Ben York Jones (screenplay by) & Ruta Sepetys (based on the novel by)
Runtime 98 min

Other Drama movies by Marius A. Markevicius

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Other Drama movies written by Ben York Jones

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Like Crazy | Oct 28th, 2011

Like Crazy
6.7/10 | By Drake Doremus
The United States | Drama & Romance
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