Movies like Au Hasard Balthazar to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Au Hasard Balthazar with Anne Wiazemsky, François Lafarge, Jean-Claude Guilbert & Walter Green & created by Robert Bresson?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Au Hasard Balthazar?
The story of a mistreated donkey and the people around him. A study on saintliness and a sister piece to Bresson's Mouchette.
Its release date is Wednesday May 25, 1966
Its release date is Wednesday May 25, 1966
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Beast Of Burden, Burden, Christianity, Cruelty, Cruelty To Animals Fiction, Donkey, Donkeys, Misery, Purity & Transcendence |
Genre | Drama |
Country | France & Sweden |
Director | Robert Bresson |
Starring | Anne Wiazemsky, François Lafarge, Jean-Claude Guilbert & Walter Green |
Written by | Robert Bresson |
Cinematography | Ghislain Cloquet |
Music | Jean Wiener |
Runtime | 95 min |
Other Drama movies by Robert Bresson
Angels of Sin | Jun 23rd, 1943
7.6/10 | By Robert Bresson
France | Drama
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Other Drama movies written by Robert Bresson
Four Nights of a Dreamer | Jan 1st, 1971
7.6/10 | By Robert Bresson
Drama & Romance
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