Movies like August Rush to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Family, Music & Musical movie August Rush with Freddie Highmore, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Keri Russell & Terrence Howard & created by Kirsten Sheridan?

Movies like August Rush with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of August Rush?

A drama with fairy tale elements, where an orphaned musical prodigy uses his gift as a clue to finding his birth parents.

TAGLINE: "An incredible journey moving at the speed of sound"

Its release date is Wednesday November 21, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adoption & Orphans, Estranged, Father, Forbidden Love, Guitar, Lie, Loss Of Loved One, Love at first sight, Love Of One's Life, Music, Music Lover, Parents, Prodigy & Son
Genre Drama, Family, Music & Musical
Country The United States
Director Kirsten Sheridan
Starring Freddie Highmore, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Keri Russell & Terrence Howard
Place Chicago, New York City & San Francisco
Time 1995 & 2006
Location New Jersey & New York City
Written by James V. Hart (screenplay), Nick Castle (screenplay), Nick Castle (story) & Paul Castro (story)
Cinematography John Mathieson (cinematographer)
Music Mark Mancina
Runtime 114 min

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