Movies like Austin Powers in Goldmember to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Crime & Science Fiction movie Austin Powers in Goldmember with Beyoncé Knowles, Michael York, Mike Myers & Seth Green & created by Jay Roach?

Movies like Austin Powers in Goldmember with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Austin Powers in Goldmember?

Upon learning that his father has been kidnapped, Austin Powers must travel to 1975 and defeat the aptly named villain Goldmember, who is working with Dr. Evil.

TAGLINE: "He's still evil... He's still deadly... and he's still surrounded by frickin' idiots!"

Its release date is Friday July 26, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Clone, Gold, Helicopter, Saving The World, Sibling Relationship, Spy, Submachine Gun, Submarine & Twins
Genre Comedy, Crime & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Jay Roach
Starring Beyoncé Knowles, Michael York, Mike Myers & Seth Green
Place London
Time 1970s, 1975 & 2002
Location Los Angeles & Nevada
Written by Michael McCullers, Mike Myers & Mike Myers (characters created by)
Cinematography Peter Deming
Music George S. Clinton
Runtime 94 min

Other Comedy movies by Jay Roach

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Meet the Fockers
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Other Comedy movies written by Michael McCullers

Baby Mama | Apr 23rd, 2008

Baby Mama
6.0/10 | By Michael McCullers
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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