Movies like Avalon to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Avalon with Dariusz Biskupski, Jerzy Gudejko, Małgorzata Foremniak & Władysław Kowalski & created by Mamoru Oshii?

Movies like Avalon with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Avalon?

In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. When Ash, a star player, hears of rumors that...

TAGLINE: "Dare to enter a world of future videogames."

Its release date is Saturday January 20, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Addiction, Dystopia, Future, Obsession, Reality, Simulation, Telepresence, Video Games, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Fiction, War & Weapon
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country Japan & Poland
Director Mamoru Oshii
Starring Dariusz Biskupski, Jerzy Gudejko, Małgorzata Foremniak & Władysław Kowalski
Location Poland
Written by Kazunori Itô (screenplay)
Cinematography Grzegorz Kędzierski
Music Kenji Kawai
Runtime 107 min

Other Action movies by Mamoru Oshii

Patlabor: The Movie | Jan 1st, 1989

Patlabor: The Movie
7.1/10 | By Mamoru Oshii
Japan | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Ghost in the Shell | Nov 18th, 1995

Ghost in the Shell
8.0/10 | By Mamoru Oshii & Rupert Sanders
Japan | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Tubi TV

Assault Girls | Dec 19th, 2009

Assault Girls
3.8/10 | By Mamoru Oshii
Japan | Action & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Action movies written by Kazunori Itô (screenplay)

Ghost in the Shell 2.0 | Jul 12th, 2008

Ghost in the Shell 2.0
8.0/10 | By Mamoru Oshii
Japan & The United States | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV Starz

Ghost in the Shell | Nov 18th, 1995

Ghost in the Shell
8.0/10 | By Mamoru Oshii & Rupert Sanders
Japan | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Tubi TV