Movies like Bad Building to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Bad Building with Havana Guppy, Kayla Lynn Lewis, Will E. McDonald & Yuki Morita & created by Philip Granger?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bad Building?

The Desmond has stood empty for years. With a history of fires, murders and madness not even squatters will go there. But now Johnny Craig, host of 'America's Most Haunted', is going to host a prime-time special there.

TAGLINE: "Welcome to the Desmond!"

Its release date is Tuesday June 23, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Delta Force, Drugs, Revenge & Terrorism
Genre Horror
Country Canada
Director Philip Granger
Starring Havana Guppy, Kayla Lynn Lewis, Will E. McDonald & Yuki Morita
Place Cambodia, Cuba & Miami
Location Cambodia, Miami & Puerto Rico
Written by Jeff O'Brien & Philip Granger
Cinematography Amir Mokri, Howard Atherton & Léo Hinstin
Music Marco Beltrami, Mark Mancina & Trevor Rabin
Runtime 75 min