Movies like Bad Education to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Romance movie Bad Education with Daniel Giménez Cacho, Fele Martínez, Gael García Bernal & Lluís Homar & created by Pedro Almodóvar?
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An examination on the effect of Franco-era religious schooling and sexual abuse on the lives of two longtime friends.
Its release date is Friday March 19, 2004
An examination on the effect of Franco-era religious schooling and sexual abuse on the lives of two longtime friends.
Its release date is Friday March 19, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Actors, Child Sexual Abuse, Drug Abuse, Filmmaking, Galicia Fiction, Gay, Individual, Madrid Fiction, Sexual Abuse, Sexual identity, Spain, Transsexuality & Transvestism |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Romance |
Country | Spain |
Director | Pedro Almodóvar |
Starring | Daniel Giménez Cacho, Fele Martínez, Gael García Bernal & Lluís Homar |
Location | Madrid |
Written by | Pedro Almodóvar |
Cinematography | Jose Luis Alcaine |
Music | Alberto Iglesias |
Runtime | 106 min |
Other Crime movies by Pedro Almodóvar
The Matador | May 12th, 2005
6.8/10 | By Pedro Almodóvar & Richard Shepard
Germany & The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime