Movies like Bad Tales to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Bad Tales with Barbara Chichiarelli, Elio Germano, Gabriel Montesi & Lino Musella & created by Damiano D'Innocenzo & Fabio D'Innocenzo?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bad Tales?

A few families living out on a limb in the suburbs of Rome. Tensions here can explode at any time; ultimately it's the children who bring about the collapse.
Its release date is Thursday April 16, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Family Issues & Suburbia
Genre Drama
Country Italy
Director Damiano D'Innocenzo & Fabio D'Innocenzo
Starring Barbara Chichiarelli, Elio Germano, Gabriel Montesi & Lino Musella
Place Rome
Written by Damiano D'Innocenzo & Fabio D'Innocenzo
Runtime 98 min