Movies like Bambi to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Drama & Family movie Bambi with Cammie King, Donnie Dunagan, Peter Behn & Stan Alexander & created by Bill Roberts, David Hand, Graham Heid, James Algar, Norman Wright, Paul Satterfield & Samuel Armstrong?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bambi?

The story of a young deer growing up in the forest.

TAGLINE: "A great love story."

Its release date is Friday August 14, 1942

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Animals, Animated Death, Animated Friendship, Best Friend, Coming Of Age, Forest & Loss Of Loved One
Genre Animation, Drama & Family
Country The United States
Director Bill Roberts, David Hand, Graham Heid, James Algar, Norman Wright, Paul Satterfield & Samuel Armstrong
Starring Cammie King, Donnie Dunagan, Peter Behn & Stan Alexander
Place North America
Written by Carl Fallberg (story development), Chuck Couch (story development), Felix Salten (from the story by), Larry Morey (story adaptation), Mel Shaw (story development), Perce Pearce (story direction), Ralph Wright (story development) & Vernon Stallings (story development)
Music Frank Churchill
Runtime 70 min

Other Animation movies by Bill Roberts

Dumbo | Oct 22nd, 1941

7.3/10 | By Ben Sharpsteen, Bill Roberts, Jack Kinney, John Elliotte, Norman Ferguson, Samuel Armstrong & Wilfred Jackson
The United States | Animation & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Pinocchio | Feb 23rd, 1940

7.5/10 | By Ben Sharpsteen, Bill Roberts, Hamilton Luske, Jack Kinney, Norman Ferguson, T. Hee & Wilfred Jackson
The United States | Animation & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Other Animation movies written by Carl Fallberg (story development)

Fantasia 2000 | Dec 17th, 1999

Fantasia 2000
7.2/10 | By Don Hahn, Eric Goldberg, Francis Glebas, Gaëtan Brizzi, Hendel Butoy, James Algar, Paul Brizzi & Pixote Hunt
The United States | Animation, Family & Music
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes