Movies like Barbarella to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Comedy & Science Fiction movie Barbarella with Anita Pallenberg, Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law & Marcel Marceau & created by Roger Vadim?

Movies like Barbarella with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Barbarella?

Barbarella, an astronaut from the 41st century, sets out to find and stop the evil scientist Durand Durand, whose Positronic Ray threatens to bring evil back into the galaxy.

TAGLINE: "See Barbarella do her thing!"

Its release date is Thursday October 10, 1968

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Topic Alien Planet, Cult Film, Distant Future, Female Mercenary, Sexual Fantasy & Tau Ceti Fiction
Genre Adventure, Comedy & Science Fiction
Country France
Director Roger Vadim
Starring Anita Pallenberg, Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law & Marcel Marceau
Place Future
Written by Brian Degas (in collaboration with), Claude Brulé (in collaboration with), Clement Biddle Wood (in collaboration with), Jean-Claude Forest (from the best seller "Barbarella" by), Jean-Claude Forest (in collaboration with), Roger Vadim (screenplay), Terry Southern (screenplay), Tudor Gates (in collaboration with) & Vittorio Bonicelli (in collaboration with)
Runtime 98 min