Movies like Barricades to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Barricades with Fabienne Colas, Gessica Geneus, Handy Tibert & Lorraine Victor & created by Richard Senecal?
Movies like Barricades with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Barricades?
What happens when a maid from the Haitian poor countryside meets a boy from a wealthy Port-au-Prince middle-class family? Unexpected and disturbing love in a highly conventional society. A story of tenderness and sorrow.
Its release date is Sunday July 7, 2002
Its release date is Sunday July 7, 2002
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | Haiti |
Director | Richard Senecal |
Starring | Fabienne Colas, Gessica Geneus, Handy Tibert & Lorraine Victor |
Written by | N/A |
Runtime | 101 min |
Other Drama movies by Richard Senecal
Other Drama movies written by N/A
Living in Fear | Dec 31st, 2000
5.2/10 | By Martin Kitrosser
United States of America | Drama, Mystery & Thriller