Movies like Basquiat to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Basquiat with David Bowie, Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman & Jeffrey Wright & created by Julian Schnabel?

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The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.

TAGLINE: "In 1981, A Nineteen-Year-Old Unknown Graffiti Writer Took The New York Art World By Storm. The Rest Is Art History."

Its release date is Friday August 9, 1996

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Topic Biographical Artists, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Graffiti, Homeless Person, Interracial Romance, New Love, New York, Overdose & Sex
Genre Drama & History
Country The United States
Director Julian Schnabel
Starring David Bowie, Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman & Jeffrey Wright
Place Manhattan & New York City
Time 1980s
Location New York City
Written by John Bowe (short story), Julian Schnabel, Lech Majewski (story) & Michael Holman (story development)
Cinematography Ron Fortunato
Music John Cale
Runtime 108 min

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