Movies like Batman vs. Robin to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Animation movie Batman vs. Robin with David McCallum, Jason O'Mara, Sean Maher & Stuart Allan & created by Jay Oliva?

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While Damian Wayne struggles to cope with Batman's no-killing rule, he soon starts to believe that his destiny lies within a secret society known as, The Court of Owls.

TAGLINE: "The showdown that will define a destiny"

Its release date is Tuesday April 14, 2015

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Topic Based On Comic, Court Of Owls, Dc Comics, Dollmaker, Gotham City, Robin, Super Power & Terrorism
Genre Action, Adventure & Animation
Country United States of America
Director Jay Oliva
Starring David McCallum, Jason O'Mara, Sean Maher & Stuart Allan
Place D.C., Indian Ocean, Kansas, Mexico & Washington
Time 2015
Location Chicago
Written by Bob Kane (Batman created by), George Pérez (concept created by: Nightwing), Greg Capullo (characters created by: Talon & Court of Owls), Greg Capullo (comic book: "Batman: The Court of Owls"), J.M. DeMatteis, Jonathan Glapion (comic book: "Batman: The Court of Owls"), Marv Wolfman (concept created by: Nightwing), Mick Gray (comic book: "Batman and Robin: Born to Kill"), Patrick Gleason (comic book: "Batman and Robin: Born to Kill"), Peter Tomasi (comic book: "Batman and Robin: Born to Kill"), Scott Snyder (characters created by: Talon & Court of Owls) & Scott Snyder (comic book: "Batman: The Court of Owls")
Cinematography Larry Fong
Music Junkie XL
Runtime 80 min

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