Movies like Battalion to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Battalion with Ellen Williams, James Storer, Jesse Richardson & Michael Thomson & created by Michael Miller?
Movies like Battalion with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Battalion?
After a war against an enemy from another world breaks out in the South Pacific, a group of freshly recruited U.S. Marines are sent to the front lines.
Its release date is Tuesday January 9, 2018
After a war against an enemy from another world breaks out in the South Pacific, a group of freshly recruited U.S. Marines are sent to the front lines.
TAGLINE: "our world is at war"
Its release date is Tuesday January 9, 2018
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Science Fiction |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Country | Australia |
Director | Michael Miller |
Starring | Ellen Williams, James Storer, Jesse Richardson & Michael Thomson |
Written by | Michael Miller |
Runtime | 94 min |