Movies like Battling Butler to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Battling Butler with Budd Fine, Buster Keaton, Sally O'Neil & Walter James & created by Buster Keaton?

Movies like Battling Butler with the highest similarity score

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A love-struck weakling must pretend to be boxer in order to gain respect from the family of the girl he loves.

TAGLINE: "Gloves seemed to hit him from all sides!"

Its release date is Sunday September 19, 1926

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Buster Keaton
Starring Budd Fine, Buster Keaton, Sally O'Neil & Walter James
Written by Al Boasberg (adapted by: from the 1923 stage success of the same name), Charles Henry Smith (adapted by: from the 1923 stage success of the same name), Lex Neal (adapted by: from the 1923 stage success of the same name) & Paul Girard Smith (adapted by: from the 1923 stage success of the same name)
Cinematography Bert Haines
Runtime 77 min

Other Comedy movies by Buster Keaton

The Balloonatic | Jan 22nd, 1923

The Balloonatic
6.8/10 | By Buster Keaton & Edward F. Cline
The United States | Comedy & Romance
No streaming sources available just yet

The Love Nest | Mar 1st, 1923

The Love Nest
7.0/10 | By Buster Keaton & Edward F. Cline
The United States | Comedy
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Spite Marriage | Mar 24th, 1929

Spite Marriage
7.1/10 | By Buster Keaton & Edward Sedgwick
The United States | Comedy
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