Movies like Beauty Salon Special Services to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Beauty Salon Special Services with Hanna, Kang Min-woo, Min Tae-hyeon & Seo Won & created by Julia Leigh?

Movies like Beauty Salon Special Services with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Beauty Salon Special Services?

A legendary beauty salon that is sure to become a regular once you go!”Sir, would you like to have a very hot service?”In order to overcome the financial difficulties of the beauty parlor,It begins to attract the male guests with the special technique that makes it from head to toe.Kurt, Firm, and ‘it’ to open the hair salon is good!
Its release date is Thursday December 29, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Altered Memories, Prostitution, Rape, Suicide & Uxoricide Fiction
Genre Drama & Romance
Country South Korea
Director Julia Leigh
Starring Hanna, Kang Min-woo, Min Tae-hyeon & Seo Won
Place Sydney
Time 22nd Century
Cinematography Geoffrey Simpson
Music Ben Frost (musician)

Other Drama movies by Julia Leigh

House of the Sleeping Beauties
5.2/10 | By Julia Leigh & Vadim Glowna
Germany | Drama & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Skoonheid | May 17th, 2011

5.3/10 | By Julia Leigh & Oliver Hermanus
France, Germany & South Africa | Drama & LGBT/Gay
Amazon Video iTunes Playstation