Movies like Beauty Shop to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Beauty Shop with Alfre Woodard, Alicia Silverstone, Andie MacDowell & Queen Latifah & created by Bille Woodruff?

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A determined hairstylist (Queen Latifah) competes with her former boss (Kevin Bacon) after opening her own business in Atlanta.

TAGLINE: "A Cut Above"

Its release date is Thursday June 2, 2005

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Topic Beauty
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Bille Woodruff
Starring Alfre Woodard, Alicia Silverstone, Andie MacDowell & Queen Latifah
Place Atlanta
Location Atlanta & Georgia (U.S. State)
Written by Elizabeth Hunter (story), Kate Lanier (screenplay) & Norman Vance Jr. (screenplay)
Cinematography Theo van de Sande
Music Christopher Young
Runtime 105 min

Other Comedy movies by Bille Woodruff

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Honey 2
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The Perfect Match
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Jumping the Broom
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