Movies like Before the Revolution to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Before the Revolution with Adriana Asti, Allen Midgette, Francesco Barilli & Morando Morandini & created by Bernardo Bertolucci?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Before the Revolution?

The study of a youth on the edge of adulthood and his aunt, ten years older. Fabrizio is passionate, idealistic, influenced by Cesare, a teacher and Marxist, engaged to the lovely but ...

TAGLINE: "Italy is the place where they've made an art of everything - especially love!"

Its release date is Wednesday May 13, 1964

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Communism & Revolution
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Italy
Director Bernardo Bertolucci
Starring Adriana Asti, Allen Midgette, Francesco Barilli & Morando Morandini
Place Emilia Romagna & Italy
Time 1962
Written by Bernardo Bertolucci (story and screenplay) & Gianni Amico (screenplay collaborator)
Cinematography Aldo Scavarda
Music Ennio Morricone
Runtime 105 min

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Stealing Beauty | Mar 29th, 1996

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