Movies like Bereavement to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Horror & Mystery movie Bereavement with Alexandra Daddario, John Savage, Michael Biehn & Peyton List & created by Stevan Mena?

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The horrific account of 6 year old Martin Bristol, abducted from his backyard swing and forced to witness the brutal crimes of a deranged madman.

TAGLINE: "There are some unspeakable...they will scar you forever."

Its release date is Friday July 16, 2010

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Topic Prequel
Genre Crime, Horror & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Stevan Mena
Starring Alexandra Daddario, John Savage, Michael Biehn & Peyton List
Place Abandoned Houses
Time 1989, 1994 & 1999
Written by Stevan Mena
Cinematography Marco Cappeta
Music Steven Mena
Runtime 103 min