Movies like Bicentennial Man to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Science Fiction movie Bicentennial Man with Embeth Davidtz, Oliver Platt, Robin Williams & Sam Neill & created by Chris Columbus & Chris Columbus (filmmaker)?

Movies like Bicentennial Man with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bicentennial Man?

An android endeavors to become human as he gradually acquires emotions.

TAGLINE: "One robot's 200 year journey to become an ordinary man."

Its release date is Friday December 17, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Android, Artificial Intelligence, Freedom, Futuristic, Hologram & Robot
Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country Germany & The United States
Director Chris Columbus & Chris Columbus (filmmaker)
Starring Embeth Davidtz, Oliver Platt, Robin Williams & Sam Neill
Place D.C., Future, San Francisco Bay Area & Washington
Time 2005, 22nd Century & 23rd Century
Written by Isaac Asimov (novel), Isaac Asimov (short story "The Bicentennial Man"), Nicholas Kazan (screenplay) & Robert Silverberg (novel)
Cinematography Phil Meheux
Music James Horner
Runtime 132 min

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