Movies like Big Bully to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie Big Bully with Carol Kane, Julianne Phillips, Rick Moranis & Tom Arnold & created by Steve Miner?

Movies like Big Bully with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Big Bully?

A writer returns to his hometown where he faces the childhood nemesis whose life he ultimately ruined, only the bully wants to relive their painful past by torturing him once again.

TAGLINE: "A comedy for the kid in all of us."

Its release date is Friday January 26, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bully & Bullying
Genre Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director Steve Miner
Starring Carol Kane, Julianne Phillips, Rick Moranis & Tom Arnold
Place Minnesota
Time 1970 & 1996
Written by Mark Steven Johnson
Cinematography Daryn Okada
Music David Newman (composer)
Runtime 90 min

Other Comedy movies by Steve Miner

House | Feb 28th, 1986

6.2/10 | By Steve Miner
United States of America | Comedy & Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Lake Placid | Jul 15th, 1999

Lake Placid
5.6/10 | By Steve Miner
The United States | Action, Comedy & Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Warlock | Jun 1st, 1989

6.2/10 | By Steve Miner
United States of America | Adventure, Comedy & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu YouTube iTunes

Other Comedy movies written by Mark Steven Johnson

Grumpier Old Men | Dec 22nd, 1995

Grumpier Old Men
6.6/10 | By Howard Deutch
The United States | Comedy & Romance
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Love in the Villa | Sep 1st, 2022

Love in the Villa
5.3/10 | By Mark Steven Johnson
United States of America | Comedy & Romance

Grumpy Old Men | Dec 25th, 1993

Grumpy Old Men
7.0/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Comedy
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