Movies like Big Daddy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Big Daddy with Adam Sandler, Cole Sprouse, Joey Lauren Adams & Kristy Swanson & created by Dennis Dugan?

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A lazy law school grad adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend, but everything doesn't go as planned and he becomes the unlikely foster father.

TAGLINE: "Nature called. Look who answered."

Its release date is Friday June 25, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adoption, Bachelor, Law, Law school, Orphans, Politically Incorrect, Syracuse University, Vomit, Wetting Pants & Young Boy
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Dennis Dugan
Starring Adam Sandler, Cole Sprouse, Joey Lauren Adams & Kristy Swanson
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by Adam Sandler (screenplay), Steve Franks (screenplay), Steve Franks (story) & Tim Herlihy (screenplay)
Cinematography Theo van de Sande
Music Teddy Castellucci
Runtime 93 min

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Just go with it | Feb 10th, 2011

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Beverly Hills Ninja | Jan 17th, 1997

Beverly Hills Ninja
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