Movies like Bigfoot at Holler Creek Canyon to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Bigfoot at Holler Creek Canyon with Anna Bridgforth, Mathias Alvarez, Melisa Breiner-Sanders & Ron Jeremy & created by John Poague?
Movies like Bigfoot at Holler Creek Canyon with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bigfoot at Holler Creek Canyon?
A group of friends embark on a camping adventure to an idyllic location in the mountains. The horror begins as, one-by-one, they become the prey of Holler Creek Canyon's newest resident. The question is- it it man or beast?
Its release date is Sunday June 11, 2006
A group of friends embark on a camping adventure to an idyllic location in the mountains. The horror begins as, one-by-one, they become the prey of Holler Creek Canyon's newest resident. The question is- it it man or beast?
Its release date is Sunday June 11, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Director | John Poague |
Starring | Anna Bridgforth, Mathias Alvarez, Melisa Breiner-Sanders & Ron Jeremy |
Written by | Barbara Kymlicka & John Poague |
Runtime | 99 min |