Movies like Black Medusa to stream online
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Black Medusa?
Black Medusa is the story of Nada, a young woman who leads a double life in today’s Tunis: lonely and boring during the day, violent and extreme during the night. This highly ritualized life is going to flatter the day Noura, a new colleague of her's, falls in love with Nada. At the same time, Nada falls in love with an old knife. So starts for Nada a more violent and extreme life as she looses control to the knife. The film is a Medusa myth inspired film noir in the #MeToo era.
Its release date is Monday February 1, 2021
Its release date is Monday February 1, 2021
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Animated Birds, Animated Mammals, Animated Orphans, Animated Reptiles Amphibians & Child Abduction |
Country | Tunisia |
Place | Louisiana & New York City |