Movies like Black to the Moon 3D to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Family movie Black to the Moon 3D with H.D. Quinn, Kristina Hughes, Rebecca Decker & Wayne Grayson & created by Francis Nielsen?

Movies like Black to the Moon 3D with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Black to the Moon 3D?

Blackie, the black sheep, is obsessed with going to the Moon. Kanuto, the dog, is obsessed with Blackie - but doesn't even want to hear about rockets. Obviously, they take off and meet adorable and zany animals before - and after lift-off.

TAGLINE: "Up to his old tricks"

Its release date is Friday February 15, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Apollo Program
Genre Animation & Family
Country Italy
Director Francis Nielsen
Starring H.D. Quinn, Kristina Hughes, Rebecca Decker & Wayne Grayson
Place Chernobyl (city)
Time 1961
Location Chicago, Los Angeles, Michigan & Russia
Written by Angel E. Pariente, Gorka Sesma (story) & Segundo Altolaguirre (story)
Runtime 81 min

Other Animation movies written by Angel E. Pariente

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Donkey X
4.6/10 | By Jose Pozo
Italy | Adventure, Animation & Family
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video