Movies like Blade of the Immortal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie Blade of the Immortal with Hana Sugisaki, Hayato Ichihara, Sota Fukushi & Takuya Kimura & created by Takashi Miike?

Movies like Blade of the Immortal with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blade of the Immortal?

Manji, a highly skilled samurai, becomes cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. Haunted by the brutal murder of his sister, Manji knows that only fighting evil will regain his soul. He promises to help a young girl named Rin avenge her parents, who were killed by a group of master swordsmen led by ruthless warrior Anotsu. The mission will change Manji in ways he could never imagine - ...

TAGLINE: "His path is paved in blood."

Its release date is Saturday April 29, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action & Drama
Country Japan & United Kingdom
Director Takashi Miike
Starring Hana Sugisaki, Hayato Ichihara, Sota Fukushi & Takuya Kimura
Location Kyoto Prefecture
Written by Hiroaki Samura (manga) & Tetsuya Oishi (screenplay)
Cinematography Nobuyasu Kita
Music Kōji Endō
Runtime 140 min

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