Movies like Blazing Saddles to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Western movie Blazing Saddles with Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman & Slim Pickens & created by Mel Brooks?

Movies like Blazing Saddles with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blazing Saddles?

In order to ruin a western town, a corrupt politician appoints a black Sheriff, who promptly becomes his most formidable adversary.

TAGLINE: "Never give a saga an even break!"

Its release date is Thursday February 7, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Comedy, Governor, Gun, Interrupted Hanging, Marching Band, Racism, Saloon, Spoof & Western
Genre Comedy & Western
Country The United States
Director Mel Brooks
Starring Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman & Slim Pickens
Location California
Written by Alan Uger (screenplay), Andrew Bergman (screenplay), Andrew Bergman (story), Mel Brooks (screenplay), Norman Steinberg (screenplay) & Richard Pryor (screenplay)
Cinematography Joseph Biroc
Music * Songs: * Mel Brooks
Runtime 93 min

Other Comedy movies by Mel Brooks

The Producers | Nov 22nd, 1967

The Producers
7.7/10 | By Mel Brooks
The United States | Comedy
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High Anxiety | Dec 25th, 1977

High Anxiety
6.7/10 | By Mel Brooks
The United States | Comedy & Music
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