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What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Biographical & Drama movie Bleed for This with Aaron Eckhart, Ciarán Hinds, Katey Sagal & Miles Teller & created by Ben Younger?

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The inspirational story of World Champion Boxer Vinny Pazienza who, after a near fatal car crash which left him not knowing if he'd ever walk again, made one of sport's most incredible comebacks.

TAGLINE: "This is what the greatest comeback in sports history looks like"

Its release date is Friday November 4, 2016

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Topic Biography, Boxer, Come Back, Comeback, Fighter, Rhode Island, Sport, Sports & Underdog
Genre Biographical & Drama
Country The United States
Director Ben Younger
Starring Aaron Eckhart, Ciarán Hinds, Katey Sagal & Miles Teller
Place Rhode Island
Location Rhode Island
Written by Angelo Pizzo (story by), Ben Younger (screenplay by), Ben Younger (story by) & Pippa Bianco (story by)
Cinematography Larkin Seiple
Music Julia Holter
Runtime 117 min