Movies like Blondie Plays Cupid to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Blondie Plays Cupid with Arthur Lake, Daisy, Larry Simms & Penny Singleton & created by Frank R. Strayer?

Movies like Blondie Plays Cupid with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blondie Plays Cupid?

The Bumstead family is off to see relatives in the country when Blondie runs into Charlie and Millie, an eloping couple needing her help.
Its release date is Thursday October 31, 1940

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blondie
Genre Comedy
Country United States of America
Director Frank R. Strayer
Starring Arthur Lake, Daisy, Larry Simms & Penny Singleton
Written by Charles M. Brown (story), Chic Young (based upon the comic strip created by), Karen DeWolf (screen play), Karen DeWolf (story) & Richard Flournoy (screen play)
Runtime 68 min

Other Comedy movies by Frank R. Strayer

Borrowed Wives | Aug 20th, 1930

Borrowed Wives
5.7/10 | By Frank R. Strayer
United States of America | Comedy
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Blondie | Nov 30th, 1938

7.1/10 | By Frank R. Strayer
United States of America | Comedy
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