Movies like Bob Roberts to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Bob Roberts with Alan Rickman, David Strathairn, Giancarlo Esposito & Tim Robbins & created by Tim Robbins?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bob Roberts?

A right-wing folk singer becomes a corrupt politician and runs a crooked election campaign. Only one independent muck-raking reporter is trying to stop him.

TAGLINE: "Vote first. Ask questions later."

Its release date is Friday September 4, 1992

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Topic Election Campaign, Elections, Fake Documentary, Folk Music, Media Manipulation, Mockumentary, music musicians, Political Campaign, Political Satire & Senate
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Tim Robbins
Starring Alan Rickman, David Strathairn, Giancarlo Esposito & Tim Robbins
Place Pittsburgh
Time 1990
Written by Tim Robbins
Cinematography Jean Lépine
Music David Robbins (composer)
Runtime 102 min