Movies like Boo! A Madea Halloween to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Horror movie Boo! A Madea Halloween with Bella Thorne, Cassi Davis, Liza Koshy & Tyler Perry & created by Tyler Perry?

Movies like Boo! A Madea Halloween with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Boo! A Madea Halloween?

Madea winds up in the middle of mayhem when she spends a haunted Halloween fending off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls and zombies while keeping a watchful eye on a group of misbehaving teens.
Its release date is Friday October 21, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ghost, Ghoul, Halloween, Haunted House, Mayhem, Poltergeist, Teenager & Zombie
Genre Comedy, Drama & Horror
Country United States of America
Director Tyler Perry
Starring Bella Thorne, Cassi Davis, Liza Koshy & Tyler Perry
Location Atlanta
Written by Tyler Perry
Cinematography Richard Vialet
Music Elvin Ross
Runtime 103 min

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Nobody’s Fool
4.4/10 | By Tyler Perry
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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