Movies like Boogeyman 3 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Boogeyman 3 with Chuck Hittinger, Erin Cahill, Matt Rippy & Mimi Michaels & created by Gary Jones?

Movies like Boogeyman 3 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Boogeyman 3?

When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to ...
Its release date is Friday October 17, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boogeyman & Fear
Genre Horror
Country United States of America
Director Gary Jones
Starring Chuck Hittinger, Erin Cahill, Matt Rippy & Mimi Michaels
Location Georgia, New Zealand & Savannah
Written by Brian Sieve & Eric Kripke (based on characters created by)
Runtime 94 min

Other Horror movies by Gary Jones

Spiders | Jan 1st, 2000

4.0/10 | By Gary Jones
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Other Horror movies written by Brian Sieve

Boogeyman 2 | Oct 20th, 2007

Boogeyman 2
5.2/10 | By Jeff Betancourt
The United States | Horror & Thriller
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Cadaver | Aug 23rd, 2018

5.1/10 | By Diederik Van Rooijen
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