Movies like Brass Knuckle Boys to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Brass Knuckle Boys with Aoi Miyazaki, Ryo Katsuji, Tomorowo Taguchi & Yuichi Kimura & created by Kankurô Kudô?
Movies like Brass Knuckle Boys with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Brass Knuckle Boys?
A record company office worker named Kanna Kurita discovers a punk rock band called Shonen Meriken Sakku / Brass Knuckle Boys through the internet and subsequently decides to represent them...
Its release date is Sunday October 19, 2008
Its release date is Sunday October 19, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Revenge |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Japan |
Director | Kankurô Kudô |
Starring | Aoi Miyazaki, Ryo Katsuji, Tomorowo Taguchi & Yuichi Kimura |
Place | New York City |
Time | 1846 & 1862 |
Location | Rome |
Written by | Kankurô Kudô (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Michael Ballhaus |
Music | Howard Shore |
Runtime | 125 min |