Movies like BraveStorm to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie BraveStorm with Chihiro Yamamoto, Mitsu Dan, Shu Watanabe & Shunsuke Daitô & created by Junya Okabe?
Movies like BraveStorm with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of BraveStorm?
This remake of the 1970s TV series "Silver Mask" and "Super Robot Red Baron" pits two families (one with an armored bionic superhero, and the other a red giant robot) against evil aliens to save Earth and prevent the extinction of mankind.
Its release date is Friday November 10, 2017
Its release date is Friday November 10, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bravestorm, Firefighting, Giant Robot, Super Robot Red Baron & Tokusatsu |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction |
Country | Japan |
Director | Junya Okabe |
Starring | Chihiro Yamamoto, Mitsu Dan, Shu Watanabe & Shunsuke Daitô |
Place | Arizona |
Time | 2013 |
Location | New Mexico |
Written by | Joseph O'Brien & Junya Okabe (screenplay) |
Runtime | 84 min |