Movies like Brothers of the Wind to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Family movie Brothers of the Wind with Eva Kuen, Jean Reno, Manuel Camacho & Tobias Moretti & created by Gerardo Olivares & Otmar Penker?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Brothers of the Wind?

A young boy tries to save the life of an eagle that has been thrown out of its nest.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes a friendship sets you free"

Its release date is Thursday December 24, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animals, Bird's Nest, Birds, Brothers, Dysfunctional Families, Eagle, Eagle's Feather, Father Son Conflict, Friendship & Learning To Fly
Genre Adventure, Drama & Family
Country Austria
Director Gerardo Olivares & Otmar Penker
Starring Eva Kuen, Jean Reno, Manuel Camacho & Tobias Moretti
Place Forests
Time 1960s
Written by Gerald Salmina (original idea), Joanne Reay (screenplay) & Otmar Penker (original idea)
Cinematography Óscar Durán Otmar Penker
Music Sarah Class
Runtime 98 min